
David Lonsdale

David Lonsdale

Director, Scottish Retail Consortium

David Lonsdale is Director of the Scottish Retail Consortium and Head of Devolved Nations for the British Retail Consortium. He joined the organisation in January 2014. Prior to this he was Assistant Director at CBI Scotland for 8 years, and previously worked at the Scottish Chambers of Commerce rising from Policy Officer to become Head of Policy & Public Affairs. He previously worked in Aberdeen for a leading firm of commercial insurance brokers.


David’s responsibilities at the SRC/BRC involve representing and promoting the interests of the retail industry and member companies to government, policy makers and opinion formers. He is a member of the board of the Scottish Tourism Alliance, a member of Prosper/SCDI’s National Policy Committee, CBI Scotland’s Council, and is Policy Ambassador for IoD’s Central Scotland Committee. He is a member of the Scottish Government’s Retail Industry Leadership Group and the Scottish Government’s New Deal For Business Group. He is a former board member and chairman of Workplace Chaplaincy Scotland.
